
【輸入盤ブルーレイ】PEANUTS: SNOOPY COME HOME & A BOY NAMED CHARLIE (アニメ)【B2016/11/1発売】

2016/11/1 発売輸入盤ジャンル:CARTOONS & ANIMATION収録内容:輸入盤ブルーレイですが日本のブルーレイ・プレイヤーで視聴できます。

"A Boy Named Charlie Brown": Join Charlie Brown, Lucy, Linus, Snoopy and the whole Peanuts gang in their very first big screen adventure. Take a jazzy joyride through the streets of Manhattan, with delightfully trippy dream sequences, imagination-filled musical interludes, and icy flights-of-fantasy - all as Charlie Brown sets out to bolster his shaky confidence at the National Spelling Bee. The prolific, much-honored cartoonist Charles M. Schulz and franchise director Bill Melendez weave a world made of witty dialogue, magical security blankets and bright-eyed beagles, all set to an Academy Award(R)-nominated score by Rod McKuen and Vince Guaraldi. So take a break from the books, the dictionaries, the encyclopedias and thesauri, and sit for a spell with the Peanuts gang as they learn that if at first you don't succeed, take a step back. Maybe a nap. Then grab the closest beagle... and dance. "Snoopy Come Home": When America's most beloved beagle suddenly goes missing, the whole Peanuts gang bands together to bring him back home in this full-length feature from renowned cartoonist Charles M. Schulz and the Academy Award(R)-winning musical team of Richard and Robert Sherman. With "Dogs Not Allowed" signs everywhere he turns, Snoopy and his newfound feathered friend Woodstock (making his big screen debut), leave the comforts of home behind and head for the highways in search of their true place in the world. Camping out, eating up and just living the life of the open road, the intrepid twosome make their way across the country, dodging possessive pet-collectors, less-than-hospitable hospital workers, and bullying bus drivers on their way to reveal Snoopy's secret past - only to discover that there really is no place like home in this heartwarming story featuring Charlie Brown, Lucy, Linus and the whole gallery of your Peanuts favorites.

【輸入盤ブルーレイ】PEANUTS: SNOOPY COME HOME & A BOY NAMED CHARLIE (アニメ)【B2016/11/1発売】

価格:4,490 円 ショップ:あめりかん・ぱい



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